Thursday, June 5, 2008

Surrey Indians 3 @ Delta Tigers 8

Indians dazed by Tigers (May 25)

As the Indians got back to work after a nice long weekend, it seemed as though their bats were still on an extended break. The tribe could only muster 3 measly runs off a depleted Tiger squad who seemed to lack the unhitable pitching they always carry.
Facing pitches that possibly would not top 50 Mph, the tribe seemed outmatched and mesmerized at the speed at which the ball was traveling. The team lacked energy and the mood was blah to say the least. By the end of the fifth inning, the tribe still had no runs on the board and only tallied 4 singles under the hits column. By now, the score was 4-0 in favor of the felines.

E. Roblero started on the mound for the Tribe and pitched well enough to keep the team in the game. It wasn’t until the bottom of the 3rd inning when Roblero walked the second batter of the inning to promptly give consecutive singles to allow the first Tiger to score. On the run scoring single, Roblero tried to gun down the runner going to second base but the ball traveled into centre field to allow another run to score and setup what would end up being the third run of the inning for the Tigers.

In the bottom of the fifth inning, the Tigers applied more pressure by leading off the inning with a single and a double. The Indians nearly escaped unscathed as Roblero got the next two hitters to ground out. However, after hitting a batter, a free pass was issued to walk-in a run before retiring the last batter on an infield fly to short. Roblero ended his day with 5IP, 9 hits allowed, 4 runs allowed (2 ER), a hit batter and 2 costly base on balls.

The Indians finally showed signs that they could actually hit the ball when K. Neidert led off with a single and stole second. G. Nolan moved him over to third with a ground out to short and would later score on a ground out RBI by T. Jones. The tribe again went to sleep and didn’t score until the top of the ninth. With one out, Roblero ripped a single to left and moved to third after a walk was issued to K. Grace and a wild pitch thrown by the Tiger hurler. A. McBoyle then ripped a single to centre to score Roblero and move Grace to third. Grace plated the last Indian run when C. Edger grounded out to short.

O. Matsubara took over the hill for the Indians in the bottom of the sixth and promptly saw himself in a heap of trouble after walking a batter and a few Indian physical and mental miscues. The Tigers would score two unearned runs in the process to add to their lead. Two more runs scored in the bottom of the eighth to mark the score at 8-3. Matsubara ended his day with 3IP, 5 hits allowed and 4 runs scored (1ER), and 1 base on balls.

Not a whole lot of highlights for the Indians in what can easily be described as the Indian’s worst performance of the season.

Following are your player of the game nominations:

Andrew McBoyle 2 for 2, 1B(2), 1RBI
Enrique Roblero 2 for 4, 1B(2), 1RS, 5IP, 4R 2ER, 9H, 1HPB, 2BB,
Kelly Grace 1 for 3, 1B, 1RS, 1BB
Kris Neidert 3 for 4, 1B(3), 1RS

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